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Azul do Teu Olhar [Book Cover].jpg

O Azul do teu olhar

Ana Lucia Vasconcelos sofre uma das maiores decepções de sua vida, justamente ali, na Praça dos Andradas, na bela Santos, cidade que ela tanto amava. Somente as águas dos mares paulistas e as areias da praia foram capazes de consolá-la e testemunharem o momento em que lágrimas de decepção correram pelo seu rosto. Depois de muitos esforços e dedicação, enfim ela ganha a bolsa de estudos tão sonhada para cursar astronomia na Universidade de Weber.


Ao chegar aos Estados Unidos da América, na cidade de Ogden, Ana Lucia começa a trabalhar na mansão da família Bennett, onde conhece Albert, o filho mais velho do casal Annette e Matthew Bennett, por quem ela se apaixona e passa a nutrir um sentimento secreto. Possuidor de uma grande fortuna e sem interesse por uma profissão definida, Albert vive em festas de luxo e viagens pelo mundo acompanhado de sua namorada e noiva Brianna Willis, mulher competente e administradora de empresas.No decorrer dos meses Albert descobre um forte afeto por Ana Lucia, a garota que o fez descobrir o que ele passou amar de verdade: a astronomia.


Mas um dia tudo muda e o glamour acaba quando Albert descobre que é portador de uma grave doença, e pela primeira vez ele sente a dor de ser desprezado. Resta saber se o amor verdadeiro permanecerá ao lado deste rapaz, então Ana Lucia terá que tomar a decisão mais difícil de sua vida. 

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The Blue Of Your Eyes 

Author: Jamila Mafra


Ana Lucia Vasconcelos suffers one of the biggest disappointments of her life, right there, in Andradas Square, beautiful Santos, a city she loved so much. Only the waters of the São Paulo seas and the sands of the beach were able to comfort her and witness the moment tears of disappointment ran down her face. After much effort and dedication, at last she wins the scholarship so dreamed of to study astronomy at Weber University.


Upon arriving in the United States, in the city of Ogden, Ana Lucia begins to work in the mansion of the Bennett family, where she meets Albert, the eldest son of the couple Annette and Matthew Bennett, for whom she falls in love and begins to nourish a secret feeling.


Possessing a great fortune and no interest in a particular profession, Albert lives in luxury parties and travels around the world accompanied by his girlfriend and fiancée Brianna Willis, a competent woman and business administrator. Over the months Albert discovers a strong affection for Ana Lucia, the girl who made him discover what he really loved: astronomy.


But one day everything changes and glamour ends when Albert learns that he has a serious illness, and for the first time he feels the pain of being despised. It remains to be seen whether true love will remain with this young man, so Ana Lucia will have to make the most difficult decision of her life. In Blue of Your Eyes new feelings, unexpected emotions and fascinating discoveries will be translated in the form of tender words. 


New York Forever, A Moment To Love

Author: Jamila Mafra

Cristina Müller had the great dream of leaving for the United States of America and when she finally reaches her destination, she has long desired, lives unforgettable moments of joy, doubts, pain and achievements.In New York City, she begins working as a nanny at the Olsen family home, where she meets Eric Preston for the first time, a prosperous and happy businessman who runs his parents’ company.


However, after facing the greatest sadness of his life he becomes a bitter and lonely man, almost unable to live the love.


Cristina tries to win Eric’s heart, that is always resistant, fleeing from his feelings, after all love is not something that simple, and this because the obstacles need to be defeated and all pain overcome. 


   Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brasil

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